The workshop/retreat for SUWA and her staff/ volunteers is a yearly event but the one of 2021 is so unique due to the recovery after the advent of COVID-19. The retreat tagged, “The Man God Uses” was organized on 11th – 13th January 2021.
The 2021 Retreat aims to increase staff’s Spiritual alertness/ availability to kingdom service through carrying out development work, increase staff’s understanding of the importance of ensuring proper care is taken such that our work does not alter our spiritual walk with God, to have staff become more spiritual in tackling community projects, challenges during project implementation cycle and improve the level of project awareness of staff/ volunteer and to get them acquainted to relevant SUWA policies and operational manuals.
The workshop/retreat consisted of 18 participants, representing 11 Male (61.1%) and 7 Female (39%). The participants cut across staff, volunteers, Pastors and church workers. The retreat had a deep Bible session that is centered on “The Word as a Seed and the Place of the Man”
Testimonies From The Retreat!!!
The retreat was wonderful; it has encouraged my spiritual life and has given a pattern on how to win souls for Christ even in my development work.
The topic was apt for me as it enriched me spiritually and provided platform for my effective commitment to my work.
The retreat was impactful to me and I am super excited as the retreat has availed me with the relevant spiritual skills to soul winning approach. More so, I have broader understanding on SUWA organizational policies.